11 Maryland Traffic Laws You Need to Know

11 Maryland Traffic Laws You Need to Know

If you are traveling in Maryland, you need to be aware of some changes in traffic laws that are designed to deter negligent and dangerous driving behaviors. Though every state has some form of the rules of the road, they may vary greatly from Maryland’s. To make it easy to travel safely and legally through the state, here’s a list of the 12 laws you need to know.

Under primary enforcement laws, hand-held phone use is banned for all drivers, as is texting. Hands-free cell use is prohibited for drivers under the age of 18.
Children under the age of eight and standing less than 57 inches tall must be in a child restraint system while those between 8 and 15 or who are over 57 inches can use adult restraints. The fine for a first offense is $50.
Maryland has decriminalized marijuana, and it is legal for medicinal use.
Drunk drivers will lose their license for 90 days for a first offense, and ignition interlock devices are mandatory.
Teen drivers can start the Graduated Driver’s License program at age 15 years and 9 months, and are eligible for a restricted license at age 16 years and 6 months. Full privileges are granted at age 18.
Motorcycle riders must wear helmets, and bicyclists under age 16 must wear a helmet.
Mature drivers must renew their license every five years and those who are 40 and over are required to take a vision test with every renewal.
Seat belts must be worn by all vehicle occupants aged 16 or younger. The fine for not wearing a seatbelt is $83 plus court costs.
The state conducts weekly sobriety checkpoints across the state.
Speed and red light cameras are used throughout the state with some limitations. Citations are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle, and the penalties are $40 for speeding, $75 for running a red light, and $100 for violating a rail warning.
Workers do not have to present for a driver to be fined up to $1,000 for speeding in a work zone.

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