13 Key Arizona Traffic Laws

Nearly 770 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2014 in Arizona. To help make state highways and roadways safer for all who use them, Arizona has 13 key traffic safety laws that you should be aware of.

13 Key Arizona Traffic Laws

Nearly 770 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2014 in Arizona. To help make state highways and roadways safer for all who use them, Arizona has 13 key traffic safety laws that you should be aware of.

Arizona defines aggressive driving as speeding plus two of the following-
  1. Ignoring a traffic control device
  2. Passing traffic on the shoulder or off the regular travel lanes
  3. Following the vehicle in front of you too closely
  4. Not yielding the right of way
  5. Unsafe lane changes
  6. Operating a vehicle in a way that creates hazards for other drivers
Cell phone use is banned for all school bus drivers.
Child passengers are to be secured in child restraints until the child is over 57 inches tall and is between five and seven years of age. The maximum fine for failing to secure child passengers is $50 for a first offense.
Arizona drug driving laws have zero tolerance for driving while under the influence of marijuana, THC, or its metabolites.
The penalties for drunk driving include a 90-day license suspension for a first offense, installation of ignition interlock devices, and impoundment of your vehicle. Penalties are enhanced if the driver’s BAC is .15 or higher.
Teens must complete a 3-stage graduated driver licensing system before gaining full driving privileges. Teens can test for their learner’s permit at age 15-and-a-half. The permit must be held for at least six months, during which time the novice driver is to acquire at least 30 hours of supervised driving experience, and at least 10 of those hours must be earned at night or during inclement weather. Drivers are eligible to take the road test at age 16, and for the first six months of the intermediate stage, driver’s must not drive between the hours of midnight and five a.m., and must not have more than one passenger who is under the age of 18, unless the passengers are family. Full privileges are given at age 16-and-a-half, barring any traffic convictions.
Motorcycle riders in Arizona must wear a helmet if they are under the age of 18.
Mature drivers over the age of 65 must renew their driver’s license every five years, by mail if permissible if the driver passed a vision test within three months of renewal. Drivers 70 years of age or older are not allowed to renew by mail.
Seat belts must be worn by all passengers age 8 to 15 in all seats, and passengers eight years or younger must wear a seat belt when riding in the front seat. The maximum fine for a first offense is $10.00.
Arizona conducts sobriety checkpoints at least once per month across the state.
The maximum speed limit for motor vehicles is 75 mph rural interstates, and 65 mph on all other roads and urban interstates.
Speed and red light camera are used throughout the state, and penalties include $165 fines plus 3 points on your driving record.
When workers and signs are present in work zones, speeding drivers will face enhanced penalties that include fine of double the original amount.

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