2015 Indiana Bicycle Accident Statistics
The 2015 Indiana, Traffic Safety Report, prepared by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) for the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that 829 people died and 18,647 people suffered incapacitating injuries during 2015 on Indiana roads, including nine cyclist fatalities.
Indiana Bicycle Helmet Laws
Indiana does not have a statewide bicycle helmet law at this time.
Indiana’s Programs for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
The Pedestrian and Bicyclist Program Manager oversaw several safety initiatives during 2015 focused on pedestrian and bicycle safety. Safe Kids Indiana participated in numerous events during 2015 to reach parents, teachers, and children to educate them on safe walking and riding rules. The ICJI funded a total of six programs during 2015 related to bicycle and pedestrian safety:
- Hammond Police Department program (enforcement of traffic laws)
- Princeton Police Department program (enforcement of traffic laws)
- City of Bloomington’s Civil Streets program (engineering changes throughout the city to promote safety including education and enforcement)
- IndyCog (provided educational materials, reflectors, bicycle lights, and safety classes)
- Indiana Bicycle Coalition (education programs)
- Alliance for Health Promotion (pedestrian safety initiatives)
More information on each of the programs can be found in the annual report.
As part of its Bicycle & Pedestrian Program, IDOT supports Indiana’s Safe Routes to School Program to provide support, education, and encouragement for children and parents who choose walking or cycling as a form of transportation to and from school.
Indiana currently has more than 3,268 miles of bikeways and trails that are available to the public throughout the state. You can find more information, including regional maps and links to other resources, on the state’s website.
For more information about bicycle safety in Indiana, you can contact the state’s Transportation Planner, Bicycle, & Pedestrian Coordinator at the Indiana Department of Transportation by mail at 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N955 in Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 or by telephone at (317) 232-5496.