2015 Kansas Bicycle Accident Statistics

2015 Kansas Bicycle Accident Statistics

According to the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), there were 60,473 traffic crashes statewide during 2015. In those crashes, 322 people died, and 13,002 people were injured. Three (3) pedalcyclists were killed in traffic accidents during 2015, and another 309 were injured. Over the past ten years, 49 people of died in bicycle accidents and 3,343 people were injured.

Bicycle Helmet Laws in Kansas

Kansas does not have a statewide bicycle helmet law. However, you should check with your city or county officials to determine if a local ordinance requires the use of a bicycle helmet for adults and/or children.

Kansas Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program

The KDOT has an open call for projects in its TA program. The program provides funding for alternative transportation programs including programs that benefit pedestrians and bicyclists. Examples of areas where funding may be available include:

  • Safe Routes to School
  • Bicycle and pedestrian facilities
  • Project to enhance mobility
  • Infrastructure for non-driver access to public transportation

KDOT estimates that approximately $18 million in federal funds may be available over the course of two years to fund selected projects.

Kansas Safe Routes to School Program

The state participates in the SRTS program to encourage, promote, and facilitate alternate means of transportation to and from school. The program combines five components to help children and parents who want to ride bicycles or walk to school — education, encouragement, enforcement, evaluation, and engineering. Funding may be available for projects that benefit bicyclists and pedestrians including improvements to sidewalks, secure bicycle parking, pedestrian and bicycle crosswalks, traffic education, and student training. More information can be found on the agency’s website.

KDOT provides a variety of information on its website about walking and bicycling in Kansas. You can find the 2016-2017 Bicycle Map for Kansas and the state’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan on its website. In addition, there are resources for pedestrian and bicycle education and safety and links to other resources.

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