2015 Louisiana Bicycle Accident Statistics

2015 Louisiana Bicycle Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Louisiana had the second highest bicyclist fatality rate per million population (7.3 fatalities per million residents) for 2015. The national average for 2015 was 2.5 per million residents. During 2015, 726 people died in traffic-related fatalities in Louisiana. Almost five percent of those deaths were pedalcyclists — 34 riders died in 2015.

Louisiana Bicycle Helmet Laws

Louisiana has a statewide mandatory bicycle helmet law based on the age of the rider. Bicycle helmets are required for all riders under the age of 12 years.

Louisiana’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan — Destination Zero Deaths

According to the current highway safety plan for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (La DOTD), the state has set a goal of reducing the pedestrian and bicycle fatality and severe injury rate by 50 percent by 2030. The mission of the La DOTD’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program is to design and manage facilities within the state to provide accessible and safe transportation for bicyclists and pedestrians. A copy of the Master Plan can be viewed on the agency’s website.

Louisiana Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 2009

The LA DOTD also has a master plan specifically for pedestrians and bicyclists. It was published in September 2009. The purpose of the plan was to develop policies to accommodate walking and bicycling along Louisiana’s roads. As part of the plan, the department would consider the needs of riders and pedestrians and make efforts to provide for the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists.

Other programs supported by the department to assist in providing safe roads for all users include Transportation Alternatives Program, Safe Routes to School Program, and the Complete Streets Policy.

New Orleans Bike Share Program

New Orleans is launching is Bike Share Program in Fall 2017. The city is partnering with Social Bicycles, Inc. to provide bicycle stations throughout the city where people can rent bicycles. The program is expected to provide a low-cost alternative form of transportation for visitors and residents. In addition, it will ease parking, promote health, and support the local economy. Bicycles may be returned to the original station or any of the other stations located throughout the city.

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