2016 Michigan Bicycle Accident Statistics

2016 Michigan Bicycle Accident Statistics

The Michigan State Police have posted the 2016 statewide crash information. According to the information in the report, there were 312,172 thousand traffic-related crashes in 2016 that resulted in 980 fatal crashes and 57,964 injury crashes. During the same year, there were a total of 1,959 bicycle crashes (3.4 percent of total traffic-related accidents) resulting in 38 fatalities and 1,563 injuries. The highest number of fatalities were sustained by riders between the ages of 55 and 64 years. The age group with the highest number of injuries were young adults between the ages of 16 and 20 years.

The totals for 2016 were a slight increase from the 2015 totals. In 2015, there were only 1,869 bicycle crashes that resulted in 34 deaths and 1,514 injuries. In both instances, the majority of the victims were male as they were in the 2016 crashes. The age group sustaining the most injuries remained 16 to 20-year-olds; however, the age group for the most fatalities decreased to individuals between 45 and 54 years of age.

You can review the entire traffic crash data reports for the years 2007 through 2016 on the Michigan State Police website.

Michigan Bicycle Helmet Laws

The state does not have a universal bicycle helmet law that requires all riders to wear a helmet. However, you should check with your local law enforcement agency or city government to inquire about local ordinances that require riders under a certain age to wear a bicycle helmet.

Bicycle Safety in Michigan

The Governor’s Traffic Safety Advisory Commission Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Team reports some accomplishments in the goals for bicycle and pedestrian safety in its March 2016 summary. According to the summary, there were several areas in which the commission focused including:

  • Identify the use of best practices the design and operation of transportation facilities;
  • Increase awareness of bicycle and pedestrian safety;
  • Provide recommendations for legislation to improve safety for riders and walkers;
  • Identify successful safety initiatives; and,
  • Identify locations for priority assistance.

You can read the full summary on the MSP website. You can also view the state’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action Plan for 2013 -2016 on the MSP website.

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