8 New Mexico Traffic Laws You Should Know

Each state defines its traffic laws, so what you might do legally in one state, such as talk on a hand-held cell phone, could get you pulled over and cited in another. The penalties for violations also differ by state, sometimes greatly, so it behooves travelers to be aware of the rules and enforcement policies for their state. The laws listed here are the most likely to vary from neighboring states...

8 New Mexico Traffic Laws You Should Know

Each state defines its traffic laws, so what you might do legally in one state, such as talk on a hand-held cell phone, could get you pulled over and cited in another. The penalties for violations also differ by state, sometimes greatly, so it behooves travelers to be aware of the rules and enforcement policies for their state. The laws listed here are the most likely to vary from neighboring states.

Under primary enforcement rules, which means you can be stopped for this violation alone, text messaging is banned for all drivers, and cell phone use, in general, is banned for all those operating on a learner’s permit or intermediate license.
Ignition interlock devices are mandatory for all drunk driving offenses as is a 12-month license suspension for drivers under age 21, and a six-month suspension for those over 21.
The Graduated Driver’s License program allows 15-year-olds apply for a Learner’s Permit, their Intermediate License six months after, and then full privileges 12 months later.
The state does not require adults to wear a helmet when they ride, however, motorcyclists and bicyclists under age 18 must wear theirs.
Mature drivers aged 75 or older must renew their driver’s license every year.
Primary enforcement laws require that seatbelts are worn by all vehicle occupants aged 18 or younger in front and rear seats. The fine for failing to buckle up is $25.
Law enforcement conducts sobriety checkpoints at various times across the state.
Workers do not have to be present for the fine for speeding in a work zone to be enhanced to double the original fine.

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