Alabama Bicycle Accident Statistics

Alabama Bicycle Accident Statistics

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released its most current data for bicycle accidents in March 2017. According to the report, a total of 818 pedalcyclists died in 2015 nationwide with another 45,000 cyclists being injured.

Below are statistics for Alabama’s bicycle accidents during 2015 according to the Alabama Department of Transportation’s 2015 Crash Facts:

  • Nine (9) pedalcyclists died in Alabama during 2015 in bicycle crashes. This is an increase from the previous two years — 2014 (8) and 2013 (6).
  • The percentage of bicycle accident fatalities was 1.1 percent of the total traffic-related deaths that year in the state.
  • During 2015, 185 people were injured in bicycle crashes, which was a slight decrease from the previous year’s total of 202 injuries.
  • 21 percent of the bicycle crash injuries that year involved children aged 15 years and younger.
  • The highest number of injuries during 2015 were sustained by individuals between the ages of 41 and 50 years.

To help improve bicycle safety for everyone in Alabama, the state has begun a statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

Alabama’s Efforts to Protect Bicyclists

A draft of the proposed plan can be found on the DOT’s website. You can also contact the DOT to request more information about the bicycle and pedestrian plan by email at or by mail at PO Box 303050, Montgomery, AL 36110.

The proposed plan has four main goals:

  • To improve the safety for bicyclists of all ages and abilities, including identifying high priority safety locations, education plans, and implantation of rules and laws in a consistent manner;
  • To develop a complete and connected bicycle system, including expanding and improving bicycle networks along highway corridors, corporate bicyclists’ needs into project development, and coordinate state improvements with local and regional goals;
  • Support economic development to link bicycle systems with other modes of transportation and promote bicycle connectivity in major activity and employment centers; and,
  • Increase travel options for all system users, including encouraging bicycling as a form of everyday transportation.

State officials continue to work on the development of the comprehensive plan to help protect bicyclists and promote safe bicycling throughout the state.

Alabama Bicycle Helmet Law

Anyone under the age of 16 years is required to wear a bicycle helmet when riding throughout the state. However, local jurisdictions may have enacted laws requiring other riders to wear a helmet. It is best to check with your local government agency to determine the requirements for your area.

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