Alabama Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Alabama Motorcycle Accident Statistics

More than 800 people died in traffic crashes in Alabama in 2015. Alcohol played a role in 247 of these deaths and speeding was a factor in the loss of 236 more. Read on to find out how many of these fatalities include motorcycle riders.

In Alabama, any person aged 16 or over can operate a motorcycle providing they have a Class M motorcycle license. Riders between the age of 14 and 16 are permitted to operate motor-driven cycles, such as a moped, without a special license.

All riders are required to wear a helmet when operating on public highways and streets. Still, nine of the 67 motorcycle riders who died in traffic accidents in 2015 were not wearing their helmets. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that at least 34 lives were saved that year because of helmet use and another three lives could have been saved if all riders wore their helmets every time they traveled.

While 67 traffic deaths are far too many, the number does represent a significant decrease in the number of riders who are killed in crashes each year. The NHTSA reports that 105 riders died in 2006, while 2014 saw the fewest with 65 rider deaths. Riders between the ages of 20 and 29 were involved in more fatal accidents than other age groups with 19 deaths, followed by the 40- and 50-year age groups, which both saw 15 rider deaths. Only one rider under the age of 20 died on Alabama highways in 2015.

With 67 counties in the state, only about half reported any motorcycle accident fatalities, with 33 counties reporting between 1 and 5 deaths. Only Jefferson County, with between 6 and 15 fatalities, saw a higher than average rate, but it is also the most populated county in the state.

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