Alaska Car Accident Statistics

Alaska Car Accident Statistics

According to Readers Digest, Alaska ranks 30 out of 50 for having the best roads in the U.S., and 27 out of 50 for having the deadliest roads. Unfortunately, the Land of the Midnight Sun also landed in the Top Ten Deadliest for Speeding list, ranking fourth under Alabama, Mississippi, South Caroline and Wyoming.

Total Traffic Fatalities according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for 2014

Alaska saw 73 traffic fatalities in 2014, with 42 of them occurring on rural roads, and 31 percent occurring in urban areas. These numbers are nearly the same as in 2005 but much higher than 2013, when only 51 people lost their lives in traffic related accidents.

Seatbelt Use in Alaska

Of all the traffic fatalities in Alaska, 42 people were killed in passenger vehicles. Of those, 12 were restrained by seatbelts, 21 were not restrained, and seatbelt use was unknown in 9 deaths. As a comparison, nationally, of the 21,102 passenger vehicle occupants who died in motor vehicle crashes, 9588 were restrained by seatbelts, 9191 were not, and seat belt use was unknown in 1645 deaths.

Alcohol Impaired Driving Statistics

In the U.S., 9,967 people died in alcohol related crashes, which equals about 31 percent of all fatal traffic accidents. In Alaska, keeping with the national average, 22 (about 30 percent) of 73 fatal accidents involved alcohol.

Speeding Related Fatalities

Across the country, speed played a role in 9,262 deaths. In Alaska, speed was a factor in 18 traffic deaths, down from a high of 35 in 2008.

Motorcycle Fatalities

Nationally, 4,295 motorcyclist died in traffic accidents, while in Alaska eight died, five of them wearing a helmet and three without.

Age of Drivers involved in Fatal Crashes

101 drivers were involved in fatal crashes across the state. Of those:

  • 11 involved drivers between the ages of 15 and 20
  • 11 involved drivers under age 21
  • 89 involved drivers over the age of 21

Pedestrian Fatalities

Across the country, 4,884 pedestrians died in traffic accidents, while 14 pedestrians died on Alaska roads. This number represents a jump from only 6 in 2013.

Bicyclists Fatalities

720 bicyclists died on U.S. roadways in 2014, and only three of them were in Alaska. Still after an average of only 1 bicycle death a year, three number represents a significant increase over previous years.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident? Call Us Today!

If you’ve been injured in a car accident or lost a loved one in a fatal crash, you need a dedicated team of attorneys and legal professionals fighting for your rights. Our attorneys have a long and proven record of helping the victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve.

Call us today if you or a loved one were injured in

  • Commercial bus accident
  • School bus accident
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Bicycle accident
  • Truck accident
  • Motorcycle accident
  • Commercial vehicle accident
  • Semi‐truck accident

We’ll fight insurance companies, negligent operators, and reckless drivers to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

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