Arizona Bicycle Accident Statistics
The Arizona Department of Transportation’s 2016 Motor Vehicle Crash Facts, there were approximately 1,500 bicycle crashes in 2016, not much of a change from the previous year. However, bicycle fatalities did increase slightly from 29 in 2015 to a little over 30 in 2016. Bicycle crash injuries also increased in 2016 to about 1,500 statewide. More than 90 percent of the accidents occur in urban areas, and 75 percent of crashes occurred during the day.
Arizona’s Bicycle Helmet Law
There is not a statewide bicycle helmet law for Arizona. However, some local governments have enacted laws that require children to wear helmets whenever riding a bicycle. You should check with your local law enforcement agency to determine the rules and laws for your area.
Arizona’s Efforts to Promote Bicycle Safety Within the State
The Arizona Governor’s of Highway Safety (GOHS) provides funding to various agencies throughout the state for safe bicycling. Some of the programs that the GOHS helps fund include:
- Funds to enforce bicycle laws
- Bicycle helmet distribution programs, emphasizing providing helmets for children of low-income families
- School-based educational programs
- Providing support for Bicycle Safety Month and Back to School Safety Month
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has developed a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan to promote safety for bicyclists and pedestrians throughout the state. The purpose of the plan was to provide a long-term vision for a statewide system of shared roads for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Some of the goals of the plan include strategies for:
- Education
- Safety
- Infrastructure
- Policies
- Programs
- Design Guidelines
One of the updates to the plan includes creating a network of non-motorized facilities including on-street, off-street, and end of trip facilities. The ADOT has a published a Bicycling Street Smarts manual to provide useful information to riders to help them stay safe and legal when riding their bicycles.
You can contact the Bicycle & Pedestrian Program office by telephone at 602-712-8141, email, or by mail at 206 S. 17th Ave., Mail Drop 310B, Phoenix, Arizona 85007, ATTN: ADOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.
City and County Programs
In addition to state measures, many local municipalities have programs for bicyclist safety within their jurisdiction, including Chandler, Pima County, Mesa, Tucson, and Phoenix. Check your local city and county’s websites for information on local programs or contact your local government agency.