Arizona Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Almost 900 people died in traffic accidents in Arizona in 2015 including 491 passenger vehicle occupants, 153 pedestrians, 29 bicyclists, and 136 motorcycle riders. Of those, drunk driving was a casual factor in the deaths of 272, and speed was involved in the deaths of 307.
The Universal Helmet Law was repealed in 1976, so helmets are only mandatory for riders under the age of 18. Of the 136 riders who died in 2015, at least 74 were not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. This is unfortunate as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that helmets saved the lives of 34 riders in 2015 and could have saved 29 more if all riders wore their helmet every single time they ride.
Motorcycle fatalities in the state of Arizona have increased in 2015. The highest number of motorcycle fatalities was in 2012, with 151 fatalities recorded. The lowest number recorded was in 2010 with 91. 2015 shows a slight increase from 2014 with a difference of 6 fatalities for a total of 136. Of these, 55 were helmeted, and 74 were unhelmeted. Arizona state laws require anyone under the age of 18 to wear a helmet. Ages 18 and above are not required to wear protective headgear.
Rider deaths have rather consistently remained a problem in our state, especially since most traffic accidents are 100 percent preventable. There is clear indication that more needs to be done to improve the safety for riders on all roadways. Over a ten-year period between 2006 and 2015, the fewest numbers of riders killed in a given year was 91 in 2010, while deaths in the worst year rose to 151.
Maricopa County is the largest of the 15 counties in Arizona with a population of 4 million people. As such, it reported 56 fatalities, the most of any state. Four other counties reported between 6 and 15 fatalities; seven counties reported 1 to 5 fatalities, and three countries reported zero fatalities.