Arkansas Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Arkansas Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 531 traffic deaths in Arkansas in 2015. This number is down from the high in 2006 at 665, but it was up from the two previous years, which both had fewer than 500 deaths.

Arkansas has a substantially higher rate of deaths per 100,000 population than the national average. The US average is 10.92 while Arkansas’ average is 17.83. This figure is lower than in 2011, which was 18.75 to the national average of 10.42. However, it is on an upward trend, which is concerning.

At the same time, fewer truck-related deaths have been recorded in most categories. The exception is vans, which have seen an increase from 19 in 2011 to 27 in 2015. On the other hand, pickup truck deaths have dropped significantly from 115 in 2011 to 83 in 2015. Utility truck-related deaths have stayed almost the same with 88 in 2011 and 87 in 2015. The number of deaths when a large truck is involved have dropped somewhat from 23 in 2011 to 18 in 2015.

The most accidents with fatalities involving large trucks have occurred in Crittenden County for 2015 with 7, which is an increase over previous years. Hempstead, Polk, Pulaski and St. Francis counties were all tied for second place with four deaths. The difference between the counties is that some saw an increase while others saw a decrease.

Pulaski County ranked number one for light truck fatalities in 2015 with 13, which was up from 2014 but down from previous years. Second place was Hot Spring County with 11, which was a significant increase over previous years. Washington County was in third with 10, which was also a steady increase for each year in light truck fatalities.

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