Arkansas Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Arkansas Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Arkansas state law mandates riders between age 9 and 21 must wear a helmet when riding or operating a motorcycle. Passengers under the age of 8 are prohibited. Because helmets are not mandatory for adult riders, the number of people who die in accidents across the state is higher than in states where headgear is required. In fact, in 2015, 79 motorcycle riders died in accidents and only 29 were wearing their helmets.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that helmets saved 18 lives in 2015 and could have saved 18 more people if all riders wore their helmets every time they rode. Arkansas motorcycle fatalities per registered motorcycles yielded some high percentages. In 2014, 92,921 motorcycles were registered in the state. In 2014 there were 61 motorcycle fatalities which equates to 65 percent of the total registrations that were fatalities. This is a significant decrease from the prior year that yielded a high percentage of 84 percent.

From 2011 until 2015 the group that consistently suffered the most fatalities was the 50 to 59 age bracket, with 21 fatalities. Only in the year 2013 did the 20 to 29 age group have more fatalities than to 50 to 59 age bracket. 2015 has the highest number of fatalities than it has had since 2010, which provides evidence that both motorcycle operator and roadway safety may need to be revisited.

Only one county out of the 75 counties that create the state of Arkansas reported a higher number of fatalities with 6 to 15 deaths. Pulaski County had the most motorcycle fatalities, and all other counties reported either 0 deaths or 1 to 5 deaths caused by motorcycles. Pulaski County is also the most populated county with an estimated 389,000 people calling it home.

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