Big Rig Accidents in Ohio
The Ohio Department of Public Safety publishes an annual report that provides traffic accident and fatality data. In Ohio, there are, on average, 2.8 fatal crashes every day with approximately 3 roadway deaths. This equates to a person killed every 7.9 hours on Ohio roads. Of the fatal crashes in 2015, medium to heavy trucks were involved in 222, according to the latest report. This works out to 4.44% of the total number of accidents of all vehicle types. 33 deaths were either truck drivers or passengers while the rest were those in other vehicles or non-motorists.
Large Truck Data
Data collected from accidents in 2015 shows that there were 22,490 crashes that involved heavy trucks. 13,066 or 58.1% of those were found to be the semi driver’s fault. There was a total of 194 deaths and 6,318 injuries that occurred as a result. Of these, 64 deaths and 3,126 injuries were the truck driver’s fault.
Comparison of statistical data from the Ohio State Patrol over the last 5 years from 2012 through 2016 shows that the total number of traffic fatalities dipped slightly in 2013 and then rose slightly. The number of fatalities that involved a heavy truck fluctuated through the years but was the lowest in 2016.
Heavy Truck-Involved Fatalities
2012 – 113
2013 – 106
2014 – 102
2015 – 132
2016 - 93
Information about Big Rig Accidents
The first harmful event is what usually caused the resulting accident. However, it is important to note that there are other events that may occur after that which result in fatalities. For example, the first harmful event may be a big rig hitting a guardrail. That, in turn, causes the truck to careen out of control and might end with a crash into another vehicle or pedestrian. Data shows that most fatal collisions with heavy trucks happened where other vehicles were involved. 39 people died in these types of incidents. A rollover caused 3 deaths; the truck running off the road to the right resulted in 2 fatalities, 2 people died as a result of collisions with parked motor vehicles.
Non-collisions also resulted in serious injuries or fatalities. The most common non-collisions in 2015 were rollovers, running off the road to the right or left and crossing the median or center line.
The driver’s condition at the time of the incident was reported. In 1,242 fatal incidents, the driver appeared normal. There were other conditions reported including 11 physical impairment, 11 emotionally depressed or disturbed, 15 illness, 20 fell asleep and 225 under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is a report of all drivers, including those driving large trucks.