California Car Crash Statistics

California Car Crash Statistics

Across the country, more than 32,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes, including drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Contributing to these fatalities are the factors of speed, alcohol, and lack of seat belt use. California has been working hard to make their roads safer for all, statistics for 2014 show some of that work is paying off, but not enough. *source

Statistics show 3074 people died on California roads in 2014, a significant decrease from 2005 when 4,333 people were killed in auto crashes. That number also represents an increase from a 2010 low of 2,720 fatalities.

Problematic driving behaviors are responsible for a large percentage of those fatalities. In fact, speeding was a contributing factor in 991 fatal crashes in California. While that total is a major decrease from a 2005 high of 1,473 fatalities, it is higher than the ten-year low of 898 fatalities. *source

Nationally, 31 percent of all fatal crashes involve a driver who is impaired by alcohol. In California, about 28 percent of all fatal crashes involve alcohol. Moreover, alcohol was involved in 882 fatal accidents in 2014, a significant decrease from a high of 1,298 fatalities in 2005.

Of all car crash fatalities, 1,618 were occupants of passenger vehicles. Of those, 993 were wearing their seat belt at the time of the accident, while 476 were not. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 65 lives would have been saved if the passenger was wearing their safety restraint and an additional 23 children under the age of five would have been saved if they were securely restrained.

Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motorcycle Fatality Facts

In 2014, an estimated 860 non-occupants died in California motor vehicle crashes. Of these non-occupants:

  • 697 were pedestrians
  • 128 were bicyclists
  • 35 were unknown

While these statistics show that pedestrian deaths decreased nearly 5 percent from 2013, they also represent a 2.2 increase in fatalities for pedestrians over the age of 65.

As bicycling becomes an ever-more popular form of transportation, the latest statistics show a 12.9 percent decrease in fatal bicycle accidents, falling to 128 in 2014 from 147 in 2013.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident? Call Us Today!

If you’ve been injured in a car accident or lost a loved one in a fatal crash, you need a dedicated team of attorneys and legal professionals fighting for your rights. Our attorneys have a long and proven record of helping the victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve.

Call us today if you or a loved one were injured in an:

  • Commercial bus accident
  • School bus accident
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Bicycle accident
  • Truck accident
  • Motorcycle accident
  • Commercial vehicle accident
  • Semi-truck accident

We’ll fight insurance companies, negligent operators, and reckless drivers to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

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