Car Crash Fatality Statistics – Oklahoma
The Highway Loss Data Institute (HDLI) affiliated with the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) produces an annual report on car accident fatalities. The institute analyzes data extensively which they gather from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System of the Department of Transportation.
Their latest report, posted in November 2016, shows Oklahoma to have one of the highest fatality rates per capita in the nation. The HDLI calculates the deaths from car crashes to be 16.4 per 100,000 of the population. This is far higher than the national average of 10.9.
Additional HDLI Analysis for 2015
In 2015 there were 643 fatalities in car crashes in Oklahoma. The HDLI’s data also shows that 37 percent of fatalities in car crashes were car occupants, 33 percent were in pickups and SUVs and 3 percent in large trucks. 11 percent of the victims were pedestrians.
The HDLI determined that more than one vehicle was involved in 47 percent of the fatal car crashes. An astounding 61 percent of motor vehicle fatalities occurred on the state’s rural roads.
2015 Statistics from the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO)
The OHSO publishes a Crash Facts Book every year which provides a wealth of information and statistics on car crashes in Oklahoma. Their facts sheet for 2015 shows some interesting statistics:
- The number of fatal crashes was highest in the midsummer months of June and July
- The most crash deaths occurred on a Saturday
- Almost 54 percent of fatal crashes occurred during daylight hours
- Nearly 62 percent of fatal accidents took place in fine weather conditions
- Only 19 percent of fatalities occurred on city streets
The OHSO’s analysis clearly shows that in the majority of cases, poor visibility and bad weather conditions were not a huge factor in the causes of fatal car crashes. By far the most fatalities from car accidents occurred in Oklahoma and Tulsa counties. Statewide, alcohol played a role in over 27 percent of fatal accidents.
Over 67 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes were attended to by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. The rest of the cases were worked by other agencies, including the sheriff and the police.
2016 Annual Report of the OSHO
The primary objective of the OSHO is to implement programs and measures to reduce fatalities on the state’s roads. They draw their information from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) used by the Department of Transportation. They report 643 deaths from vehicle collisions in 2015, which was an improvement on the 669 fatalities reported in 2014. 171 of these deaths were caused by car accidents that were speed related.
Although the HDLI reports Oklahoma to have one of the highest death rates per capita from car collisions in the United States, the OSHO’s report shows an encouraging downward trend in traffic fatalities. This is accompanied by a similar trend in serious injuries. Whereas the urban fatality rate is decreasing, the fatality rate from car crashes in rural areas increased from 2014.