Car Crash Fatality Statistics – Rhode Island
The lowest number of fatalities from car crashes since 2005 was recorded in 2015. Unhappily, 2016 saw an increase in deaths from traffic accidents. The Rhode Island Highway Safety Annual Report for 2016, submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), shows that there were 53 fatalities from car crashes in the state. At the time of reporting, this figure was preliminary and subject to final accounting.
2015 Statistics
The NHTSA uses the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) to record and report traffic and accident statistics. Their latest report for this state shows data over a ten year period, from 2006 to 2015.
This state has shown a marked decline in traffic fatalities, from 81 in 2006 to 45 in 2015. The majority of these deaths occurred on urban streets, with only 7 people killed on rural roads and highways. Of all fatalities, 27 were occupants of passenger vehicles.
The FARS report also shows:
- 58 drivers involved in fatal car crashes, of which 6 were aged between 15 and 20.
- 42% of the victims were impaired by alcohol.
- 87% of passenger vehicle fatalities were restrained.
- 40% of the people killed were traveling in passenger cars.
- 9 fatalities were recorded of people in pickups, SUVs, and vans.
- Only 2 people died in accidents involving large trucks.
- 9 motorcyclists and 8 pedestrians were killed.
- 27 of the fatalities occurred in accidents with a single vehicle.
- 20 people died due to excessive speeding, and 23 were killed when the vehicle left the roadway.
Providence County recorded the highest number of car crash fatalities in 2015, accounting for 58% of the total.
Another report issued by the Highway Loss Data Institute showed that in 2015 the state had the lowest fatality rate of any state in the nation, barring the District of Colombia. The fatality number is measured according to the population of each state. It recorded a fatality rate of 4.3, which was way under the national average of 10.9.
State Statistics for 2016
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation prepares a report annually for submission to the NHTSA. Their report for 2016 records 53 deaths from car wrecks. The statistics also show that:
- A death rate of 0.66 per 100 million vehicle-miles traveled
- 10 victims in passenger cars were unrestrained
- 4 people died in motorcycle accidents
- 15 pedestrians perished
- 2 people were killed on bicycles
The report includes graphics which clearly show a downward trend in the number of fatalities and serious injuries from traffic accidents.