Car Crashes Stats – Nevada
Motor Vehicle Accidents
A total of 312 fatalities occurred in Nevada in 2016. This was a decline from 326 fatalities in 2015. Nevada has a 1.26 fatality rate per 100 million miles traveled. Out of the 312 fatalities, 116 were related to speeding and 15 were due to distracted driving. 43 of the drivers who died were 20 years or younger.
The majority of crashes happen in Las Vegas and Reno - the two metropolitan areas of Nevada.
369 people lost their lives from 2011-2015 due to impaired driving. 708 individuals were seriously injured. Males between the ages of 26 to 35 years are involved in most of the fatalities and injuries followed by drivers between 21 to 25 years of age. 65% of all impaired driving fatalities and injuries occurred in Clark County. 80% of serious injuries occurred on urban roadways of Nevada. Impaired driving fatalities and serious injuries occurred mostly during the weekends. 371 fatalities included occupants who were unbelted while 942 unbelted occupants were seriously injured between 2011 and 2015.
A number of miles traveled on Nevada roads increase by nearly 4% every year on average. In 2005, the state reported 2.05 deaths per every 100 million miles and by 2015, this number had declined to 1.3 fatalities per 100 million miles.
Causes for Traffic Accidents - Nevada
According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, nearly 94% of traffic deaths are due to driver behavior. Implementation of the Nevada Strategic Highway Safety Plan is geared toward saving lives and improve road safety by enforcement, engineering, emergency medical and education strategies related to seat belts usage, impaired driving, distracted driving, intersection, pedestrian, and motorcycle safety. Traffic safety messages have been displayed on TV, radio, billboards and social media over 182 million times to get the message across.
Population growth is also a factor. As of 2017, the state's total population was 2,995,973. Also, Nevada has a very active tourism industry. Numerous people visit here throughout the year which results in heavy usage of major roadways. Las Vegas is a major tourist destination. Home to numerous parks, museums, casinos, etc., Las Vegas, is also the center of the majority of car crashes in the state.
A surprising fact about Las Vegas drivers shows that women in Vegas are more prone to speeding as compared to men. 28% of incidents by women are related to speeding as compared to 23% for men.
Economic Cost of Crashes
A report by TRIP, a national transportation research group shows that traffic crashes cost motorists in the state a total of $804 million each year. This is mainly due to lost productivity, high insurance costs, and other financial costs. Congested highways of Nevada cost drivers nearly $1.6 billion each year in the form of wasted fuel and lost time.