Collisions Involving Pedestrians Struck While Crossing an Expressway or Ramp

Collisions Involving Pedestrians Struck While Crossing an Expressway or Ramp

A car accident on the expressway involving a pedestrian can have devastating results. These types of collisions often involve fatalities. Collisions that occur with pedestrians crossing are much more common than most people realize. More than ten percent of all pedestrian accidents occur on expressways.

One of the most common reasons for this kind of accident, to begin with, is due to car trouble. The pedestrian may be seeking help after a recent car accident, or possibly may be attempting to assist another individual with their car trouble. It is always important to take the proper precautions if you are a pedestrian who must cross an expressway or ramp for any reason, and you should be aware that drivers may not see you or be able to react quickly enough to avoid an accident.

These kinds of Car accidents involving pedestrians can be avoided. There are several risk factors associated with these types of accidents. A common cause is alcohol use, by the driver, pedestrian, or both. Another risk factor is inattention. This factor too can be applicable to both the driver and the pedestrian. One unavoidable risk factor for these collisions is darkness. Over ninety percent of car accidents on an expressway or ramp occur in dark lighting conditions. One of the more rare risk factors involves suicidal thoughts and behaviors which lead to the pedestrian actively seeking out oncoming traffic in a busy area such as an expressway. It is also problematic if the pedestrian is wearing dark clothing, especially at night.

Each state has its own laws in place for pedestrians to follow. Many states have laws that make it illegal for pedestrians to cross an expressway which is open to vehicular traffic. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Most states include exceptions that allow pedestrians to cross expressways and ramps in emergency situations, such as a vehicle breakdown or a motor vehicle accident. Pedestrians are permitted to cross the expressway or ramp to seek help.

Another thing to keep in mind regarding pedestrian collisions on expressways and ramps is the issue of liability. Many people assume that the pedestrian always has the right of way no matter what; therefore, any car accident involving a pedestrian is automatically the fault of the driver. This is not always the case. While the driver of a motor vehicle is held to a certain standard of care, a pedestrian also must adhere to a reasonable standard of care and must take reasonable precautions for his or her own safety. Taking reasonable precautions includes following the law.

If you were a pedestrian who was injured while crossing an expressway or ramp, it may be a good idea to speak with a personal injury attorney in your area. The legal concerns for these types of accidents can be complex. After evaluating the specific facts of your case, an attorney may be able to seek compensation for your injuries on your behalf.

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