Colorado Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Colorado Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Colorado had 546 fatal traffic accidents in 2015, which was the highest number since 2008 when there were 548. Colorado is slightly below the national average for traffic accidents per 100,000 population at 10.01. The US average is 10.92.

Crash related deaths involving trucks make up only a percentage of the total fatal accidents in Colorado, but it is a growing number. In fact, fatalities with pickup trucks involved increased from 67 in 2011 to 77 in 2015. Utility truck-related fatalities saw a higher rate of increase from 66 in 2011 to 85 in 2015. Large truck fatalities stayed pretty much the same with 12 in 2011 and 13 in 2015.

El Paso County saw the most fatal accidents involving a large truck in 2015 with 5. Second was Arapahoe County with four. Weld County saw the most fatalities involving pickups and other light trucks with 34. This was a dramatic increase from previous years when the high was 18 in 2014. This was also a far lead over second place counties Adams and Larimer, which each had 13. They also saw increases from past years, but they were much less dramatic.

Denver County is in third place with 10. El Paso County actually saw a decrease from 15 in 2014 to 8 in 2015. Other counties remained relatively the same with only minor changes. It isn’t surprising to see that the counties with larger populations and more traffic also have the highest number of truck accident related deaths. However, the state has remained under the national average for the past five years. As the national average increases so does the state.

If you have been injured in a traffic accident in Colorado or lost a family member, you may need to contact an attorney.

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