Connecticut Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

Connecticut Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

Connecticut reported 37 fatalities involving large trucks and buses for 2015. This number is up significantly from the 21 reported in 2014. The information comes from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This number is the highest point for the state in the previous ten-year period.

There were 32 fatal crashes for the year, which is almost double the 17 that occurred in 2014. A total of 33 buses and big rigs were involved in these crashes. Thirteen crashes involved a single vehicle while 19 involved multiple vehicles. According to the FMCSA report, nationally the majority of accidents involving a large truck or bus are two-vehicle collisions.

Buses are defined in this report as vehicles that carry nine or more passengers, including the driver. Examples include school buses, intercity transport buses and van-buses. Connecticut had a rate of 8.91 per million people in 2015, which is lower than the national average of 11.19. This number was up from 2010, when the rate was 6.44.

Nationally, the majority of bus accidents occur during the daytime hours on weekdays. They occur in non-work zones and mostly on rural roads. The majority of accidents happen on dry pavement with clear weather.

While rates of fatal bus accidents may vary by year, a 40-year outlook shows vast improvement. In 1975, there were 462,156 buses registered and 5.75 fatalities for every million miles traveled. In 2014, the number of buses registered increased to 872.027 while fatalities dropped to 1.77.

The majority of crashes involving a bus or truck occurred in the eastern part of Connecticut. A total of six fatalities were reported in New London County in 2015 while Tolland County reported six also, which was an increase for both counties. Windham County was the third to report six deaths for the year.

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