Connecticut Fatal Car Crash Statistics

Connecticut Fatal Car Crash Statistics

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), there were 253 fatal accidents in Connecticut in 2015 that resulted in 266 deaths. This number is about 7.4 fatalities per 100,000 of the population. Of the 266 deaths, 59% or 157 deaths were a result of a single vehicle crash. 41% or 109 fatalities were a result of a multi-vehicle accident. 82% of these fatal accidents occurred in urban areas while about 17% happened in rural locations.

Connecticut Fatal Accidents

Connecticut has reported 151 traffic fatalities thus far in 2017. This number is higher than at the same time in the three previous years. In 2016 there were 147 fatalities, in 2015 there were 128 and 2014, there were 113. Connecticut Crash Data Repository (CTDR) is an online reporting system that tracks data from the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CDOT). In 2016 a total of 311 fatal crashes occurred in CT based on preliminary year-end data.

Study of Safe Driving

A recent study of safe driving published by EverQuote found that Connecticut drivers placed second to last in the country. Another study done by the American Automobile Association (AAA) found that there are more threats on the road than ever before including texting while driving, speeding, going through red lights, and driving while under the influence. These are all factors that may lead to dangerous or fatal crashes. Failing to grant the right-of-way to another vehicle is another frequent occurrence. Speeding and improper lane changes are also factors in some accidents.

Additional Fatal Crash Statistics

In 2015 there were a total of 32,166 fatal car crashes in the U.S. with a total of 35,092 deaths. Across the country, this amounts to 10.9 fatalities per 100,000 people. For comparison, the death rate per 100 million miles traveled can be reviewed. Connecticut data shows 0.84 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled which is slightly below the national average of 1.13. Of the reported CT vehicle crash deaths in 2015, 41% occurred in cars while 17% occurred with SUVs or pickup trucks. Additional factors that could have contributed to fatalities include driving under the influence of alcohol, and the failure to utilize seat restraints.

Connecticut Safety Program

CTDOT has a highway safety plan in place to address the many concerns of driver safety on the roads. The goal of the program is to prevent fatalities and injuries that result from roadway accidents due to driver behavior. CTDOT works with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to focus on programs such as impaired driving, occupant protection, passenger safety, distracted driving and other initiatives. It is important to provide information to the public to increase driver safety awareness in the state.

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