Cornering and Losing Control of a Motorcycle

Cornering and Losing Control of a Motorcycle

Motorcycles should only be driven after you have taken a riding safety course and gained experience on the roadways during the day with good weather, little traffic, and practice in turning, braking and shifting. One of the perils of riding is taking a corner too fast and losing control of the bike, which can lead to serious injuries for you or your passenger.

Other Factors Leading to Loss of Control

While going too fast on a corner can lead to loss of control, there are other factors that you should not dismiss that may account for the accident:

  • Debris or gravel on the road
  • Slippery surface from rain, ice, oil or other spilled chemicals
  • Painted highway striping
  • Defect in the road or road design
  • Mechanical failure

Design and maintenance of a roadway are generally the responsibility of the government entity that built the road such as the county or state. If a corner at an exit or entrance ramp or around a bend in the road was not designed properly, then the government entity may be liable for your injuries. Potholes or debris in the roadway that has been present for months or longer may also lead to government liability for your injuries.

Your motorcycle should be equipped to corner safely so long as your speed was not excessive or you braked properly. After an accident, experts can examine your bike to see if there defects in the brakes, steering or other features of the bike or if the wheels were not properly aligned. If so, you may have a product liability claim against the bike’s manufacturer or whoever aligned your wheels.

In any case, having a legal professional investigate the scene of the accident and having an expert examine your motorcycle for potential defects could lead to compensation for you.

Injuries and Damages

Falling off a motorcycle inevitably leads to injuries since you are thrown to the pavement or into an object with great force. Wearing a helmet and other safety gear can certainly minimize injuries, but brain trauma, broken bones, and internal injuries are not uncommon.

Traumatic brain injury can result even from moderate concussions. Symptoms include:

  • Confusion
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Mood changes
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Memory problems

The consequences of brain trauma can be devastating leading to personality changes, difficulty in comprehension or speech and problems with sight, hearing or touch. Getting prompt medical attention is vital to addressing your symptoms and preventing further issues.

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