DC – Fatal Car Crash Statistics

DC - Fatal Car Crash Statistics

Fatal car accidents occur in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The most recent update from the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department reports that there were 19 traffic fatalities thus far in 2017. That statistic is up more than 50% from the same time last year when there were 12 fatalities. The total number of 2015 traffic fatalities, 26, is based on data provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Highway Loss Data Institute. Washington DC has the lowest fatality rate in the country with 3.4 deaths per 100,000 people. The IIHS analyzes data provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).

Fatal Crash Details

The IIHS provides details regarding fatal crashes in each state. All the accidents in DC that resulted in fatalities occurred in cars rather than SUVs or trucks. Across the nation, 55% of motor vehicle crash fatalities in 2015 happened in single-vehicle accidents. The percentage of single-vehicle crash deaths is the highest in Washington DC at 70%. The remaining 30% of vehicle crash deaths occurred in multi-vehicle crashes. Alcohol involvement and restraint use were also included in the data.

DC Department of Transportation

The DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) collects information and data on all accidents that occur. They also provide recommendations about traffic accident issues when necessary. The data is used for crash statistics and to identify locations where there is a high incidence of traffic accidents. Detailed Traffic Safety Statistics Reports are prepared by Howard University Transportation Research Center and submitted to DDOT.

The reports provide high-level details on vehicle crashes including location, time of day, quadrant of the crash, crash classification and conditions. The report lists the top 100 most hazardous intersections ranked by frequency and rate. Although the total number of reported collisions has risen over several years, the number of fatalities has remained somewhat constant.

Total Zero Deaths Initiative

Police promote safety, and to that effort, they have put in place an initiative called Total Zero Deaths. The program is designed to promote safety on DC roadways and includes information to help achieve the goal of zero traffic fatalities. The program addresses speeding and aggressive driving, impaired and distracted driving, seat belt use, bicycle and pedestrian safety and work zone safety. DC Driving 101 is a list of steps that drivers can take to prevent unnecessary traffic-related fatalities.

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