Delaware State Insurance Minimums

Delaware State Insurance Minimums

Every state has laws regarding car insurance for vehicles registered within that state. Delaware has state insurance minimums that require each vehicle registered in the state to have the following minimum insurance coverage:

  • $15,000 in liability insurance for injuries to one person
  • $30,000 in liability insurance for injuries to more than one person
  • $10,000 in property damage coverage

Drivers can choose to purchase additional coverage over the minimum state requirements. Failing to maintain insurance can result in a fine of $1,500 for the first offense and a $3,000 fine for subsequent offenses. You can also have your driving privileges suspended for failing to have insurance.

Liability insurance does not cover the driver. It covers injuries and damages to other individuals (i.e. drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.) when the driver is at fault for a collision.

Personal Injury Protection Insurance (PIP)

Delaware also requires drivers to carry PIP insurance. The minimum requirements for PIP insurance are $15,000 for one person and $30,000 per accident. You must also have $5,000 in coverage for funeral expenses. PIP insurance pays your medical bills and lost wages for up to two years following the accident or up to the policy limits, whichever comes first.

You cannot claim expenses paid by your PIP coverage in a car accident lawsuit against the other driver. As with liability insurance, you can choose to purchase coverage in a higher amount than state law requires.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Delaware does not require its drivers to purchase uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. These policies are optional insurance coverage that each driver can purchase if desired. An insurance company must offer both uninsured and underinsured coverage when it sells a car insurance policy. However, you have the right to waive coverage.

Uninsured motorist coverage pays claims when you are injured in a car accident caused by an uninsured driver. Underinsured motorist coverage protects you in the event your damages exceed the coverage limits of the at-fault driver’s insurance policy.

Many drivers in Delaware are uninsured, and many drivers carry the state minimum insurance requirements. If you are injured in an accident with one of these drivers, your damages can quickly exceed the insurance coverage of the other driver. Because uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage is inexpensive compared to the protection the policies provide, it is a good idea to consider purchasing this coverage.

Other Types of Car Insurance Coverage

There are other types of insurance coverage you can choose from when you purchase car insurance in Delaware. You should discuss the various types of insurance coverage with your insurance agent to determine the coverage types and amounts you need to protect yourself in the event of a car accident.

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