Delaware Bicycle Accident Statistics
According to the 2015 Annual Traffic Statistical Report prepared by the Delaware State Police:
- 146 traffic crashes involved a pedalcyclist
- Three (3) riders died in traffic-related accidents
- 82 percent of the bicycle crashes resulted in personal injury
- 23 percent of the riders involved in bicycle accidents were under the age of 15 years
- New Castle County had the most crashes with 85 crashes, but zero fatalities
- Kent County had 28 crashes and one (1) fatality
- Sussex County had 33 crashes and two (2) fatalities
- Riders between the ages of 10 to 14 years and 25 to 34 years had the most injuries from bicycle accidents
- One rider in the following age groups died in 2015 from injuries sustained in traffic-related accidents: 15 to 19; 20 to 24; and 55 to 64
Bicycle Helmet Laws in Delaware
Delaware requires that all bicyclists under the age of 18 years wear a bicycle helmet when riding.
What is the State Doing to Promote Safe Bicycling?
According to the Delaware Bike Council, a division of the Department of Transportation, the state is the third best bicycle friendly state in the United States.
The Council was established in 1990 to work on safety-related matters for bicyclists, including safety education and recommendations to promote safe bicycling. The goal of the Council is to increase opportunities and facilities for riders by working with the public sector to increase trails and road shoulders, devolving policies, and providing facilities for riders.
Recommendations include:
- Bicyclists should be considered when planning and creating roadway shoulders.
- DelDOT needs to develop roadway striping policies that are bicycle-friendly.
- Designate and protect historic and scenic roads.
- Develop bicycle-friendly rumble strips to improve safety.
- Develop and implement a program to promote safety within communities by providing technical assistance and coordination for local governments.
- Increase public access to off-road bicycling areas and provide trail maps for public use.
- Restore the St. George’s Bridge with a dedicated bicycle facility or retrofit the Route One Toll Bridge and the Summit Bridge with a dedicated bicycle facility.
- Add a safe bicycle crossing for the C&D Canal.
- Increase state funding for a bicycle route network.
- Maintenance of existing bicycling facilities.
The Council’s second goal is to be a resource for bicyclists throughout the state by representing the bicycling community in the legislative and policy-making process.
Other programs and initiatives to promote safety for all riders within the state include:
- Safe Kids Delaware offers presentations on bicycle safety for elementary students.
- Bike Safety Checkpoints.
- Bike Plan Public Workshops.
- Y Bicycle Association supports youth bicycling programs for K5 through 12th grade.
According to the 2015 Report Card for bicycle friendly states, Delaware has success in the following areas:
- 1 percent or more of people commute by bicycle
- A safe passing law for motorists
- Complete streets policy
- Dedicated state funding
- Active state advocacy group
- State bicycle plan
- Share the Road Campaign
- Vulnerable road user law
- Bicycle safety emphasis in the Strategic Highway Safety Plan
- 2 percent or more of federal funds are spent on pedestrian and bicycle safety