Delaware Fatal Bicycle Accident Statistics

Delaware Fatal Bicycle Accident Statistics

There were three bicycle deaths in Delaware involving a motor vehicle in 2015. This is the same number as in 2014 while only one was reported in 2013. However, it is down from the six reported in both 2008 and 2009. This information comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). It represents two percent of the total number of traffic fatalities in the state, which is the same as the national average.

Nationwide, there was a total of 817 riders killed in bicycle crashes with motor vehicles for 2015. This number is an increase of 13 percent over the prior year and the highest since 1995. Overall, bicycle-related deaths have dropped by 19 percent since 1975 with the number of deaths involving riders age 20 and younger declining by 88 percent. However, deaths for those above this age have tripled. Every year since 1975 has seen more male victims than females. The number of female victims has declined over twice as much as male victims during this time.

Delaware has a state law in place requiring riders age 15 and younger to wear a helmet at all times when riding a bicycle. Studies show that helmet use results in a 50 percent decrease in the number of head injuries and a 33 percent decrease in the number of face and neck injuries. States with a helmet law in use see four times as many riders wearing helmets as those that do not.

Two of the three counties in Delaware reported bicycle-related deaths for 2015. Kent County had just one while Sussex County reported two for the year. Sussex County had one the prior year and several previous years. New Castle had none for 2015, which was down from the two reported the year before.

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