Delaware Pedestrian Fatal Crash Statistics

Delaware Pedestrian Fatal Crash Statistics

Motor Vehicle Accidents in Delaware

In the year 2015, there was a total of 24,066 vehicle accidents in the state of Delaware.  These accidents caused 133 deaths in the state.  Eleven percent of those killed in accidents in 2015 were minors under the age of twenty-one.  According to the Office of Delaware Highway Safety, there were 67 total traffic deaths from January 1, 2016, through July 15, 2016.  During the period of January 1, 2016, through July 15, 2017, there was a total of 47 traffic-related deaths.

Delaware Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

The Delaware State Police of the Delaware Information and Analysis Center compiled various traffic-related statistics from the year 2015 and created Delaware’s Annual Traffic Statistical Report.  In 2015, there were 357 motor vehicle collisions that involved at least one pedestrian.  According to this report; there were 36 pedestrians killed traffic accidents in 2015.  This number rose significantly from 27 pedestrian deaths in the year 2014.

From January 1, 2016, through July 15, 2016, there were ten pedestrian vehicle accident deaths.  This number increased by 50% during the period of January 1, 2016, through July 15, 2017.

Fatal Pedestrian Accident Factors

In 2015, 75% of the pedestrians that were killed in motor vehicle accidents were under the influence of either alcohol or drugs.  The age group of 25-34 suffered the highest rate of pedestrian injuries, with 61 in 2015.  However, ages 25-34 only had three pedestrian fatalities in 2015.  The age group of 35-44 had 34 pedestrian injuries but had ten pedestrian deaths.

Delaware’s Efforts to Improve Pedestrian Safety

For the year 2016, the state of Delaware implemented a series of safety measures through the use of the state’s police force.  The Office of Highway Safety provided speed and alcohol detection equipment to state law enforcement officers.  The Office also organized an effort for police officers to conduct regular safety patrols, beyond the standard safety measures normally in place.  Additionally, Highway Safety funded a series of speakers to educate high school students about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and the consequences of speeding.

There was a substantial decrease in pedestrian fatalities in the final six months of 2016, leading to a total number of pedestrian deaths of 29.  In 2015, the number of pedestrian fatalities was 36.

Other general tips for residents of Delaware to decrease their risk of being involved in a vehicle accident as pedestrians include the use of bright clothing and paying more attention to traffic patterns when crossing high-traffic areas, such as highways.

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