Fatal Bus Accident Statistics – North Dakota
Crashes involving buses are not as common an occurrence as in other states, but fatalities do occur in North Dakota due to safety issues and many other common factors. Wet or icy road conditions can play a role in accidents, as can speed, risky driver behavior, and improper use of restraints. Risk factors impacting drivers also include the season, day of the week, and their age according to the results of studies. Those with a history of traffic violations are especially at risk.
The region has 83.3 miles of mixed right-of-way directly operated motor bus transit, run by an agency out of Grand Forks. A public transportation system, known as MATBUS, serves Fargo and West Fargo, and also Moorhood and Dilworth in Minnesota. The organization operates a total of 25 routes. People therefore often use public services for transportation. While these are generally safe, they don’t come without risks.
Statistical information on bus crashes and fatalities in the area is as follows:
2015 Crash Summary
Throughout the year the report analyzed, there were 51 bus crashes in urban areas (10 causing injuries) and 10 in rural jurisdictions (with one injury crash). No fatalities were noted in the state report.
National Highway Transportation Safety Administration Stats
The Fatality Analysis Reporting System differs in that three bus occupant fatalities were indicated for 2015, while none were reported from 2011 through 2014.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
The BLS reported that two bus drivers were killed on the job in 2015. By comparison, ten farmers/ranchers/agricultural managers sustained fatal occupational injuries in the state that year, and 10 in management occupations did. There were six fatalities involving truck drivers over the same period surveyed by the bureau.
Public Transportation System
Transit services for the general public are available throughout North Dakota, from three to five days per week. In addition to urban transit, buses are available in rural areas to help riders find access to their shopping, medical, employment, and educational needs. The Department of Transportation offers fixed route services to aid commuters, as well as demand response in which one can call a local transit provider ahead of time and reserve a seat.
Also, scheduled transport for medical appointments is available from the area Dial-A-Ride enables seniors and people with disabilities to reserve rides and schedule reservations on the same day. Fixed-routes take people between major population centers as well.
The DOT manages over 8500 miles of roadway, plus rail lines and bicycle and pedestrian paths. Buses share the roads with cars and many other types of vehicles. The department’s crash profiles show that a bus passenger was killed in 2015 who wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Safety variables, therefore, exist here just like any other part of the country. One does not have to be in a heavily populated urban area to be at risk of a fatal accident, so safety measures need to always be addressed.