Fatal Bus Accident Statistics – Ohio

Fatal Bus Accident Statistics – Ohio

Public transportation such as buses is popular among Americans. Over 10.4 billion trips were taken in 2016, according to the American Public Transportation Association. Ridership has continued to increase since 1995. There are over 6,800 organizations in the country that provide public transport. A relatively safe method of travel, buses do pose a risk when negligence and safety violations are factored in. Many accidents are avoidable if drivers obey speed laws, get enough rest, and are aware of road conditions. Ohio has strict laws regarding bus safety, but fatal accidents do occur; below are some statistics from recent years.


In 2016, the Ohio Department of Public Safety (reported a total number of vehicular crashes of nearly 306,000. Over 3,600 of these involved buses and similar vehicles. In buses with 16 seats or more, there were 11 fatal crashes and 471 incidents that resulted in injuries, while 2,010 crashes caused property damage. Two fatal crashes involved buses and vans with nine to 15 seats.

There were five fatal crashes involving transit buses that year. A total of 275 crashes caused injuries, and 813 caused property damage. Regarding public transportation, charter buses were involved in one fatal accident. The report also lists the number of fatalities by age group – most bus-related fatalities occurred with people 41-45 through 66-70, while one was reported in the 26-30 range.

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System notes one occupant fatality in a bus accident in 2012.

In 2012, buses and similar vehicles accounted for 2,834 accidents, according to the state’s public safety agency. For smaller types, there were 129 incidents, with 33 injury-related ones and 96 involving damage to property. Buses with 16 or more-person capacities were associated with seven fatal crashes, 521 with injuries, and 2,177 with damage.

Public Transit Improvements

The Ohio Department of Public Transportation received over $9 million in grants from the Federal Transit Administration in 2012. These were used to replace many high-mileage vehicles. In all, 65 vehicles were replaced, including by transit authorities in Akron, Cleveland, Dayton, and Portage. Several rural transit systems were awarded funds as well, as part of the State of Good Repair Funds.

Risk Factors Related to Fatal Accidents

Regardless of the driver of a bus, the season, day of the week, bus type, speed, and use of restraints such as seat belts are factors that need to be considered, studies have shown. Road conditions, including moisture and ice, are important as well. Certain times of the day have been associated with a higher rate of accidents, while a history of traffic violations tends to increase the risk of a driver having another incident. The statistics show an upward trend in bus-related crashes in Ohio. Although crash data can vary from year to year, it is important that safety, maintenance, and road conditions are considered by drivers every time they are out on the streets and highways, in urban or rural areas.

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