Fatal Bus Accidents in Idaho

Fatal Bus Accidents in Idaho

Idaho is one of the states that have unfortunately witnessed an increase in the number of traffic accidents over the past few years. According to the Idaho Transportation Department, the increase was 16.1 percent on an annual basis. How do these numbers relate to bus fatalities, however?

The good news is that the state’s annual reports feature detailed segmentation by vehicle type. Here are the numbers pertaining to bus collisions and the deaths related to them.

Bus Fatality Statistics

The 2015 Idaho Transportation Department report shows there have been 22,134 collisions on the state’s roads over the years. Fatalities reached 216 from all kinds of vehicles.

The report also features intriguing information for the previous years:

Bus CrashesPercentage of AllTotal Crashes

The number of fatal crashes has remained more or less constant. There was one deadly collision in 2011, zero in 2012, one in 2013, zero in 2014 and one in 2015. These figures rank buses as the safest commercial vehicles on the road in Idaho.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration prepares its own reports, as well. Numbers are the same as the data presented in the Idaho Transportation Department annual report.

Buses involved403315
Number of Crashes403314

Bureau of Transportation Statistics numbers shows that in 2010, there were no bus collisions that caused death in the state. The same applies to 2011 numbers. To sum it up, Idaho is one of the top performers as far as bus transportation safety in America goes.

Because of these statistics, it’s very difficult to come across reports pertaining to fatal bus crashes in the state or collisions that have contributed to serious injuries over the past few years. Some of the newest serious accidents pertain to school buses (a couple of major crashes have occurred), but these are counted separately from commercial and public transit numbers.

How do Bus Fatalities Compare to Overall Crash Rates?

While bus transportation is more or less safe, Idaho still witnesses fatal road accidents. A 2013 governmental report suggests that the state had 214 traffic fatalities and 15,980 million vehicle miles traveled. Thus, the fatality rate per 100,000 members of the population is 13.3.

Some of the common circumstances that have contributed to a higher risk of an accident are inattention or distraction (led to the biggest number of fatalities), alcohol or drug abuse by the driver, a failure to maintain the lane or switch lanes safely, following another vehicle too close, speeding and a failure to yield.

Compared to other states, Idaho has a relatively low overall fatality on the road. The situation is the worst in Montana where the fatality rate per 100,000 people is 22.6. Mississippi follows with 20.5 and North Carolina comes in third with 20.4.

States that have the lowest road accident mortality include District of Columbia with 3.1 per 100,000, Massachusetts (4.9) and New York (6.1).

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