Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Iowa

Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Iowa

Iowa is a Midwest state in the United States of America, which is known for it’s agricultural output. The population of Iowa as of 2015 was 3,123,899 people. The population was been slowly increasing over the past 10 years. In 2005, the population of Iowa was 2,966,334 and in the nest 5 years the population grew by about 80,000, taking the population to 3,046,355 by 2010. These statistics show a steady but slow rise of population in Iowa.

In the chart below you can see that the number of traffic accident related deaths have been decreasing over the years, even though the population has been increasing. The table also shows that 2015 had the lowest number of fatal accidents on record in the past 10 years.

Traffic Accident Statistics in Iowa between 2005 – 2015

Year# Of Accidents# Of DeathsDeaths Per 100,000 People

Occupants of the vehicles involved in a traffic accident are not the only people at risk. Pedestrians are often at risk for injury or even death when an accident occurs. During the year 2015, 25 pedestrians were killed in motor vehicle accidents accounting for eight percent of the total number of people killed in crashes.

5 years earlier, 18 pedestrians were killed, which calculated to 5% of the total number of traffic deaths. Lastly, in 2005, 24 people were killed in traffic accidents, which was 5% of the total these types of deaths. When you compare these numbers, you can see that not enough has been done to protect the lives of adult and child who walk in Iowa.

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