Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Maryland

Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Maryland

As of 2015, the recorded population of Maryland was 6,006,401 people. Five years before, in 2010, the population was about 200,000 people less at 5,773,552 people. Lastly, in 2005 the recorded population of Maryland was about 175,000 people less at 5,600,388 people. When you compare these statistics, you can see that Maryland’s population has been growing at a fairly significant rate.

The statistics below show the number of accidents, deaths and deaths per 100,000 people each year. When you compare these numbers, you see that the number of accidents and the number of people who die in accidents has been decreasing despite Maryland’s rising population.

  • 2005, 577 accidents resulted in 614 fatalities, or 11.0 deaths per 100,000
  • 2010, 461 accidents resulted in 493 fatalities, or 8.5 deaths per 100,000
  • 2015, 472 accidents resulted in 513 fatalities, or 8.5 deaths per 100,000

Despite reducing the number of traffic deaths, the number of pedestrians killed across the state has remained stubbornly consistent. In fact, pedestrian deaths accounted for 18 percent of the total number of traffic fatalities in 2015, with 92 deaths.

Five years earlier in 2010, there were 101 pedestrians lost, or 20 percent of the total lives lost in traffic accidents. Lastly in 2005, 102 people died which accounted for 17 percent of the total traffic accident related deaths in that year.

While the country is working to live healthier and greener, Maryland needs to focus on keeping these people safe as they walk to school, home, work, and around town. These statistics present a clear indication that traffic safety initiatives have got to do more to protect the lives of pedestrians, the most vulnerable roadway users.

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