How Do I Get a Copy of My Car Accident Report in Florida?
When you are involved in a car accident in Florida, you are required to report the accident to the authorities. Calling 911 is the fastest way to report the accident. A law enforcement officer will investigate your crash and file an accident report. If an officer does not report to the accident scene, you have 10 days to self-report the accident.
You will need to request a copy of your accident report for your records. Depending on the agency that responded to the crash, you may request the copy online. However, some local agencies do not have online access to crash reports.
Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be frustrating, painful, and stressful. You do not need any other tasks added to your list of things to do. Our attorneys can help by requesting the police report for your collision. We know the quickest way to obtain these reports. Furthermore, we can help make sense of the information in the report as you consider your legal options to recover compensation for your injuries.
Requesting a Copy of Your Crash Report from the Florida Highway Patrol
To obtain a copy of your accident report from the Florida Highway Patrol, you need the FHP Agency Report. If you don’t have the number, you must contact the FHP station that is nearest to the accident scene. Once you have this number, you can access online crash reports through Buy Crash. For a fee, you can view, print, and save the report for your records.
What If a Local Police Department Responded to My Accident?
If your car crash was in the city or on a county road, a local police department or sheriff’s office may have jurisdiction. When a local law enforcement agency responds to an accident, that department is responsible for filing a report. Some offices participate with Buy Crash; however, many cities and counties maintain their own records.
For example, to request a copy of an accident report from the City of Tampa, you must request a copy of a report online or appear in person at 411 N. Franklin Street, Tampa, to make a request in person. Another example is the Broward Sheriff’s Office. You can request a report online, and it will be mailed to you. If a report is not available online, you must contact the Records Division at 954-831-8700. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement maintains a list of Florida counties and cities with the links to their websites.
Why Do I Need a Copy of My Crash Report?
You want to review your report to ensure the information is accurate. If you find mistakes, contact the officer who filed the report to request a correction. You should do this as soon as possible following your accident.
The report provides valuable information for pursuing an injury claim including the information regarding the other party, his insurance company, and if the officer assigned fault for the collision. If you file a claim against the other driver, you need the information in the report. Furthermore, having an official written document proves the collision occurred.