What Is Florida’s Minimum Automobile and Motorcycle Insurance Requirements?

What Is Florida’s Minimum Automobile and Motorcycle Insurance Requirements?

The insurance requirements for automobiles and motorcycles are the same in Florida. At this time, Florida is considered a no-fault insurance state; therefore, there is no minimum bodily injury liability insurance requirements. However, the state does have minimum requirements for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance and Property Damage Liability (PDL) insurance.

The minimum coverage required by the state for PIP insurance is $10,000, and the minimum PDL insurance amount is $10,000. You must carry both coverages in these amounts as long as you have a valid Florida license plate. You can legally operate a motor vehicle with only this coverage. The Florida legislature is considering a bill to convert the state to a “fault” system that would require everyone to have bodily injury liability coverage.

Because you could potentially be responsible for paying tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for an accident you did not cause, it is important to consult with a Florida car accident attorney as soon as possible. We will review your case to determine if you can file a claim against the at-fault driver for damages above the limits of your PIP policy. Don’t assume you have no option but to pay for your expenses out of your own pocket. You have somewhere to turn; call an attorney now to find out how they can help you recover compensation for your car accident claim.

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance and Property Damage Liability (PDL) Insurance?

In a no-fault insurance state, drivers are required to carry PIP or a similar coverage to pay some of their medical bills and lost wages. Because Florida is a no-fault state, if another driver causes your car accident, you must file your injury claim under your PIP insurance. Your insurance company must pay 60% of your lost wages and 80% of your medical bills up to $10,000. In order to file a claim against the at-fault driver, you must prove that you have suffered scarring or a permanent injury. If your doctor assigns a permanent disability rating for your injury, you can typically overcome this threshold to file your injury claim.

Some people are surprised to discover that their PDL insurance does not pay to repair or replace their vehicle if the accident was their fault. Your PDL will only pay your auto damage if you were NOT at fault for the collision.

How Can I Protect Myself?

If you are in an accident, contact a Florida car accident attorney for help. However, one of the best ways to protect yourself is to purchase additional coverage. You have the option of purchasing additional PIP coverage. We suggest purchasing as much coverage as you can comfortably afford within your budget. You can also purchase Medical Payment Coverage to pay the 20 percent of medical bills that your PIP will not pay.

To protect your vehicle, purchase collision insurance in an amount that covers the full replacement value of your vehicle. Collision insurance protects you if you caused the accident or the other party’s PDL is not sufficient to cover the damages. In addition, to protect your personal assets; you may want to purchase liability insurance. Liability insurance pays compensation to victims of a car accident that you caused.

Lastly, consider purchasing uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. This type of insurance coverage pays benefits in the event you are injured in an accident caused by a driver who does not have sufficient insurance coverage or no insurance. Since many people drive uninsured and without any bodily injury liability coverage, it is wise to protect yourself if your budget allows.

We urge you to discuss automobile insurance and motorcycle insurance with your insurance agent to determine the coverages and amounts that are best to protect you and your loved ones.

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