Florida Fatal Bicycle Accident Statistics

Florida Fatal Bicycle Accident Statistics

There were 150 bicycle-related deaths in Florida in 2015, which involved a motor vehicle. This number is a significant increase from the 139 reported in 2014 and the 133 reported in 2013. In fact, it is the highest in the past ten years. The low point came in 2010 when there were 83. This information comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The numbers represent five percent of the total traffic fatalities for Florida in 2015, which is over twice the national average of two percent. Nationally, there has been a 13 percent increase from the numbers reported in 2014, resulting in the highest number since 1995. Overall, there has been a steady decline from 1975 with a 19 percent decrease. The number of victims age 20 and younger has declined by 88 percent while the number of victims above this age has tripled.

Florida has a state law requiring bikers age 15 and younger to wear a helmet at all times when riding a bicycle. Studies show that helmet use reduces the risk of head injury by 50 percent and face and neck injuries by 33 percent. States with helmet laws see four times as many people wearing helmets as those that do not have a law. Statistics show that less than 17 percent of victims in fatal bicycle crashes were wearing helmets at the time of the accident.

Over half of the counties in Florida reported a bicycle death in 2015 with six counties reporting between six and 15 and two counties recording more than 15 for the year. Counties in the western portion of the state had the fewest deaths while those in the south had the highest numbers.

Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties reported the highest totals. Miami-Dade County had 19 while Palm Beach reported 16.

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