Florida Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Florida Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Florida reported 2939 traffic deaths in 2015, which is down from 3357 in 2006. However, it is an increase from 2009 to 2014, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Florida has a higher rate of deaths per 100,000 population than the US average. Florida’s rate is 14.50 as compared to the US average of 10.92.

Truck fatalities have remained pretty much the same with the exception of utility truck-related deaths, which have increased since 2011. In that year, there were 235 deaths where a utility truck was involved. In 2015, the number increased to 271. For pickup trucks, the numbers went down slightly in the same time period. For 2011, there were 223 deaths as opposed to the 214 in 2015. The low point was in 2013 when there were 189 deaths.

Deaths involving vans changed from 68 in 2011 to 73 in 2015. The high point came in 2013 when there were 81. Large truck-related deaths have varied little throughout this period from 29 in 2011 and 31 in 2015. The exception was in 2014 when the number dropped to 22.

Polk County ranked first for most fatalities involving large trucks with 17. This was a slight increase from the previous year. Broward County is second with 16, which was a significant increase from 2014.

Miami-Dade County ranked first for light truck fatalities with 38. This was a significant increase from 26 in 2014. Broward County came in second with 35, which was more than double of 2014’s number with 16. In third place is Hillsborough County with 27. It actually had a decrease from the prior years while Duval County stayed almost the same with 24. Several other counties also showed a decrease from earlier years while a few increased their numbers.

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