Georgia – Fatal Car Crash Statistics
In 2015 there was a total of 32,166 fatal motor vehicle accidents in the United States that resulted in 35,092 deaths. In Georgia, 1,327 crashes resulted in 1,430 fatalities in 2015. That equates to 14 fatalities per 100,000 people. This number is higher than the national average of 10.9 per 100,000 people.
54% of the Georgia fatalities were the result of single car crashes while 46% occurred in multiple vehicle accidents. The majority of deaths, 866, or 61%, happened in urban locations. 564 or 39% occurred in rural locations. Although the failure to use safety belts can be a contributing factor in vehicle injuries and fatalities, Georgia has a reported 97 % seatbelt use rate. This is the highest of all states, tied with California.
State Demographics
The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in Georgia, (GOHS) provided state demographics about motor vehicle deaths. In 2015 there was a 22.8% increase in fatalities over 2014. However, the number of deaths was still 12.3% lower than the number in 2005. According to the report, eight counties in the state did not have any roadway deaths in 2015.
The rate of fatalities per 100 million miles traveled in 2015 was 1.52. The highest rate during the recording period was in 1996 when Georgia had a death rate of 1.76. At the same time, the crash rate for Georgia is at 3.26 per million miles traveled. In comparison, the rate in 2008 was 2.72. In 2014 that number was 2.99. Reported injuries have also been increasing. Reported serious injuries in 2015 were 19,405 compared with 11,729 in 2008. The number of serious injuries has increased every year since 2008.
The GOHS provides a Highway Safety Plan (HSP) that gives direction and guidance to the organization with the goal of reducing the risk of crashes, injuries, and fatalities. The state utilizes a 5-E approach that includes the components of enforcement, education, engineering, evaluation and emergency medical services. The plan is designed to provide a balanced strategy for saving lives on the roads. It includes various initiatives to provide information to the public to improve driver safety.
Recent Data
The Georgia Department of Public Safety recently published data about the July Fourth travel period. The holiday travel period was 102 hours in length extending from 6 p.m. on Friday, June 30 and ending at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, July 4. During the holiday period, there were 620 crashes which resulted in 260 injuries and 11 deaths. Additionally, 294 people were arrested for driving under the influence. Georgia State Troopers issued 9,945 citations and 14,767 warnings. Data from the Memorial Day holiday travel period shows that there were 18 traffic deaths in the state.