Hawaii Car Crash Statistics

Hawaii Car Crash Statistics

Hawaii has done much to make their roadways safer for all travelers. According to ten year statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), traffic fatalities in the state dropped from 140 in 2005 to 95 in 2014.

Of the people that were killed traffic crashes and collisions in 2014-

  • 16 were in passenger cars
  • 15 were in pickup trucks
  • 7 were in light utility trucks
  • 25 were on motorcycles
  • 24 were pedestrians
  • 4 were bicyclists
  • 4 were other non-vehicle occupants

Fatal Crash Types

Of the fatal crashes that occurred in 2014-

  • 68 involved a single vehicle
  • 4 involved a large truck
  • 34 involved speeding
  • 10 were rollover accidents
  • 44 vehicles left the roadway
  • 30 involved intersections

Seatbelts and Helmets

The state needs to do more to enforce seatbelt usage as 18 of the 38 people who died in passenger vehicle accidents, at least 18 were not wearing restraints. Sadly, the NHTSA estimates that at least three of these victims would still be alive if they had worn their seatbelts or used proper child restraints.

Only half of the motorcycle riders who died on Hawaii’s roadways was wearing a helmet. The NHTSA estimates that helmet use saved seven lives and could have saved another 5 if the riders would have been wearing them at the time of the accident.

Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Hawaii needs to do more to ensure the safety of cyclists, as the data reflect no significant gains in roadway safety. Four cyclists died in 2005 and four were killed 2014, up from two in 2011, 2012, and 2013.

Pedestrian fatalities have fallen relatively steadily since 2005 when 35 walkers, joggers, and hikers were killed, to 24 pedestrians in 2014, after a ten-year low of 16 in 2009.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving continues to be a problem across the country and Hawaii is no different. Though the state has witnessed a generally gradual decline in the number of drunk drivers on the road, 32 people still died in 2014 in alcohol related accidents, down from 54 in 2005.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident? Call Us Today!

Hawaii highways and bi-ways are dangerous. If you’ve been injured in a car accident or lost a loved one in a fatal crash, you need a dedicated team of attorneys and legal professionals fighting for your rights. Our attorneys have a long and proven record of helping the victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve.

Call us today if you or a loved one were injured in

  • Commercial bus crashes
  • School bus accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Truck crashes
  • Motorcycle collisions
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • Semi-truck crashes

We’ll fight insurance companies, negligent operators, and reckless drivers to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

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