Do I Need to File a Collision Report in Idaho?

Do I Need to File a Collision Report in Idaho?

Under Idaho Code §49-1305, you are required to immediately notify law enforcement if you are involved in a car accident that results in injury or death to any person or causes damage in excess of $1,500 to personal property. The statute requires that you use the quickest means of communication to report the accident. In most cases, dialing 911 is the quickest way to report an accident. The operate will assess whether the state, county, or city police should respond to the accident.

Even though you may not be required to report every accident, we urge you to file a police report for any accident where you are a party. Having an official record of the collision is important when filing a claim against the other person’s insurance coverage. Our Idaho car accident attorneys can help you obtain a copy of your police report and file a claim with the insurance company.

Steps to Take After an Accident

The first thing you want to do is call 911 to report the crash and request emergency assistance. If you are injured, try to remain calm and stay in your vehicle unless remaining the vehicle places you in danger. Avoid talking to the other driver and never admit fault or say you are sorry. Saying you are sorry can be construed as admitting fault.

If you can move, try to take pictures of the accident scene and the vehicles for documentation. Only do this if you can do so without putting yourself in harm’s way. If there are eyewitnesses to the accident, try to obtain the witnesses names and contact information. Once the police arrive, answer the questions from the officer and tell him exactly what you remember about the collision. Be prepared to provide your driver’s license and insurance information to the officer.

If you do not go to the hospital by ambulance, you need to see your family physician as soon as possible. You could be suffering from a concussion, whiplash, or another injury that could become worse if left untreated. Furthermore, you want to have documentation of your injuries for your insurance claim. Delaying treatment can put your health at risk, and it could jeopardize your claim. The insurance adjuster may argue that you were not injured in the accident because you did not seek medical attention.

Contacting an Idaho Car Accident Attorney

It is wise to contact our attorney as soon as possible after an accident. The insurance adjuster for the other driver may try to convince you that you don’t need an attorney, especially if you provide a statement and a medical release so he can process your claim and get you paid. This is not in your best interest.

The insurance adjuster does not work for you. He protects the insurance company’s best interest. By providing a statement and signing a release, you could hurt your accident claim. Instead, call our Idaho car accident attorney so he can protect your legal rights and protect your best interests.

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