Idaho Fatal Bus Accident Statistics
Idaho reported a total of 26 fatalities from large trucks and buses in 2015. These fatalities resulted from 23 crashes, which is up from 20 reported in 2014. However, it is down from the 27 reported in 2005. A total of 25 large vehicles were involved in the 23 crashes, four of which were single-vehicle accidents. The other 19 involved more than one vehicle. According to statistics, the majority of crashes involving are two-vehicle accidents. This information comes from a report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
Idaho has a rate of 13.90 per one million people, which is above the national average of 11.19. It is also a significant increase from 2010, which had a rate of 9.57. However, the rate of fatalities has decreased nationwide since 1975 while the rate of bus registrations has increased. The number has almost doubled from over 462,000 to over 872,000 while the fatality rate has gone from 5.75 per million miles driven to 1.77 in 2014.
Studies show that almost all accidents involving large vehicles occur in non-work zones. Sixty percent happen on rural roads. Most of them occur in daytime on weekdays with dry pavement and clear weather. The majority of large vehicles are traveling between 50 and 55 mph and most crashes they are involved in do not occur in an intersection.
The majority of counties in Idaho reported zero fatalities though a few did have between one and five deaths for 2015. Counties like Benewah reported two for the year, which was an increase from zero in 2014. Clearwater had just one while Bonner reported two, which was down from the three reported in 2014. In the southern portion of the state, Twin Falls had one death while Lincoln reported three. Gooding reported two while Cassie just had one for the year.