Indiana – Fatal Car Crash Statistics

Indiana - Fatal Car Crash Statistics

Indiana had a total of 756 fatal crashes with 821 deaths in 2015. This information is provided in a report from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) which obtains information from U.S. Department of Transportation Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). This number equals 12.4 deaths per 100,000 people. That number can be compared with other states as well as against national figures. The national fatality rate for 2015 was 10.9. Indiana is above national averages for car crash fatalities.

Indiana Fatal Crash Data

The report provides further data about fatal crashes. The number of deaths is shown by the road user type.

  • Car Occupants – 351 (43%)
  • Pickup Trucks and SUVs – 210 (26%)
  • Large Truck Occupants – 16 (2%)
  • Motorcyclists – 90 (11%)
  • Pedestrians – 96 (12%)
  • Bicyclists – 12 (1%)

The largest portion of deaths occurred to car, SUV and pickup occupants. Additionally, 54% of accidents happened in single-vehicle accidents while 46% occurred in accidents that involved more than one vehicle. Indiana has some areas that are considered urban, but a large part of the state is rural. 298 deaths (36%) took place in urban areas while 523 (64%) occurred in rural locales.

Indiana Highway Deaths Continue to Rise

Statistics show that fatal crashes in the state continue to remain above the national average. A report from Fox59 provides information about traffic fatalities in 2016. According to the report, roadway fatalities were up significantly in 2016 over the same period in 2015. Estimates from the National Safety Council (NSC) show that Indiana is among one of the states with the highest increase in deaths. The state has a 33% increase in fatalities on roadways.

At the same time, more time is being spent on the roads. While this may account for some of the increase, these fatalities cannot be offset as easily by the number of miles driven. The NSC numbers may differ from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports because the council includes deaths that happened on private roadways such as parking lots and driveways.

Safety Program

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) takes highway safety concerns seriously. Indiana has a Strategic Highway Safety Plan in place that addresses important highway safety issues. The plan is designed to help save lives on the roads and reduce serious accidents. The program coordinates with other organizations to implement educational and informational initiatives to provide information to the public. Factors that could impact road safety include such things as driving while impaired, distracted driving and speeding, among other things. Safety programs focus on these and other topics to improve driver awareness to reduce fatalities.

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