Iowa - Fatal Car Crash Statistics
The Iowa Department of Transportation tracks fatal crashes and fatalities in the state. In 2015, there were 282 total fatal crashes resulting in 320 deaths. In 2015 the highest number of deaths took place in August, a warm and typically sunny month. One of the reasons for this could be the increased use of motorcycles in the summer months. Of the 320 deaths, 89 were alcohol-related, and 56 were drug-related.
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Data (IIHS)
The IIHS provides annual reports detailing information about fatal crashes in the United States. This data allows further review of these types of crashes and allows the data to be compared more easily with other states as well as against the national figures. The 2015 report computes fatality rates per 100,000 people. Iowa has a population of 3,123,899 and a death rate of 10.2 out of every 100,000. The national average is 10.9. This means that the state is slightly better than average.
Another measurement used as part of the report determines the death rate based on the number of miles traveled. The rate is based on 100 million miles traveled. The national average is 1.13 fatalities while the Iowa rate is 0.96, again slightly better than the average. Another useful statistic provides deaths by road user type. Iowa deaths included 138 in cars, 110 in pickups or SUVs, 6 in large trucks, 40 motorcyclists, 25 pedestrians and 5 bicyclists. Exactly half the crashes were single-vehicle, and half were multiple-vehicles.
2016 Crash Numbers High
According to a news report by 13WHO TV at the end of 2016, Iowa had 395 deaths, the highest number in almost a decade. This is a high number, according to the state trooper. The report says that authorities blame several factors for the high rate including speeding, distracted driving, and failure to wear seatbelts. Reportedly about 40% of accidents involve those who are not properly restrained with a seatbelt.
The Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) is part of Iowa Department of Public Safety. Iowa has a safety program in place according to the guidelines of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The GTSB partners with other safety advocates to implement traffic safety programs across the state. They also endorse the Zero Fatalities Department of Transportation program. The program has the ultimate goal of reducing serious and fatal accidents across the country. The prevention of fatalities concentrates on the areas of reducing speed, staying sober, paying attention, staying alert and wearing a seatbelt.