Louisiana – Fatal Car Crash Statistics

Louisiana - Fatal Car Crash Statistics

The Louisiana State Police provides a number of statistics about vehicle crashes in the state including those that involve fatalities. Accidents are reported to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The data is then provided to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) where reports are released every year. The reports include important data about fatal accidents in every state as well DC. Information can be compared between states and to national averages.

Louisiana Fatal Accidents

In the United States, there were 32,166 fatal motor vehicle crashes that resulted in a total of 35,092 deaths in 2015. This number is equivalent to 10.9 deaths per 100,000 people. In Louisiana, there were 674 crashes with 726 fatalities in 2015. That is 15.5 deaths for every 100,000 people. This number is very high as compared with the national average. There are comparisons that can be made based on how many miles are driven. This calculation puts all states on the same playing field, regardless of their size. The state had 1.51 fatalities for every 100 million vehicles miles driven. That is higher than the national figure of 1.13.

The report specifies how many deaths occurred in each of various categories. Of the total fatalities, 250 were occupants of cars, 222 pickup trucks and SUVs, 7 large trucks, 87 motorcyclists, 102 pedestrians and 34 bicyclists. The type of crash is also reported. 57% were caused by single-vehicle crashes, and 43% were the result of multiple-vehicle accidents. 86% of drivers utilize their seatbelts. Approximately half the crashes happened in rural areas, and half occurred in urban locations.

Increase in Fatalities

There has been an increase in traffic deaths over the last ten years. In 2008 there was a total of 603 traffic deaths. That number declined for several years. However, the number has increased by quite a bit since then. There could be many factors involved in the rise. For example, cell phone use, distracted driving, and texting are all issues that have become increasingly dangerous. Other factors are speeding and driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) is committed to changing behaviors and saving lives. There are some important national programs that provide drivers with information aimed at reducing the number of accidents and deaths on the road. Click it or Ticket helps save lives by reminding people to use their vehicle’s safety restraint. Put it Down is a program to keep drivers from using their phones or texting while behind the wheel. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is a reminder not to drive after having been drinking. The LHSC partners with others across the state in campaigns and initiatives to help inform people and save lives.

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