Louisiana Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Louisiana Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

For the year 2015, Louisiana reported a total of 726 deaths in traffic accidents. Out of that number, 91 involved a motorcycle. This information is according to a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The number of motorcycle-related fatalities is an increase from the past few years. The low point came in 2010 with 74 while the high point was in 2009 with 103. The rate of deaths per 100,000 population is higher for Louisiana than for the US. Louisiana reported 15.54 as compared to the national average of 10.92.

The majority of deaths in motorcycle crashes involved people who were wearing helmets. In fact, 78 of those killed had on their helmets at the time of the accident. Only 12 were unhelmeted. These rates have held true for the past few years with 87 percent wearing helmets in 2014 and 2015. In 2012, 95 percent of those who died in a motorcycle crash were wearing their helmets. For 2015, helmets saved 47 lives. Louisiana state law requires all riders to wear a helmet at all times.

The majority of deaths in 2015 with a motorcycle had victims who were in their 30s with 23 fatalities. Seventeen people died who were between the ages of 40 and 49, and another 17 who died were between 50 and 59. A total of 19 deaths were recorded for people age 20 to 29 while two deaths were of people age 20 or younger. Thirteen deaths included people over the age of 59.

Orleans County reported the highest number of fatal crashes for 2015 with 11. This number was a slight increase from 2014 which had nine. Other counties in the state had between one and five deaths with many counties reporting zero motorcycle deaths for the year.

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