Maine – Fatal Car Crash Statistics

Maine - Fatal Car Crash Statistics

In Maine the Bureau of Highway Safety tracks highway deaths and reports them through the Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS). Information is included for 2006 through 2015, so a quick review of data can be made. In 2015 there was a total of 156 fatalities on Maine roads. 130 of these occurred in areas that are defined as rural and 26 were in urban locations.

Of the 190 drivers involved in deadly accidents, 13 were ages 15-20 and 177 were age 21 or over. There were 60 crashes in which speed was a factor. Of vehicle occupants who were killed, 53 were not wearing seatbelts. 32 motorcyclists were killed on the roads and out of that number 24 were not wearing protective helmets.

Additional Statistics

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) publishes a yearly report that includes fatality crash data for all 50 states and DC. The information is gathered from the FARS system and provided in a format that allows comparisons between the states. The latest report with data from 2015 makes it easier to understand some of the details.

The report provides data based on the number of deaths per 100,000 people. The average for the nation is 10.9 while Maine had 11.7, slightly over that number. The deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled are also calculated. Nationwide there were 1.13 fatalities, and in the state, there were 1.07, close to the average. 86% of state drivers wear seatbelts.

Details about the deaths by road user type indicate that 42% were car occupants, 23% pickup and SUV occupants, 19% were motorcyclists and 12% pedestrians. There were no reported bicyclists killed in 2015. Maine had one of the highest percentages of single-vehicle crashes with 67% while only 33% were multi-vehicle.

Reviewing the Data

The data reports of fatal crashes can be reviewed over the last ten years. In 2006 there were 188 deaths, the most of any reporting year. The number decreased to 183 in 2007. Then, deaths generally decreased with several minor fluctuations over the next seven years. In 2014, 131 deaths occurred. That number jumped to 156 in 2015. At the same time, the number of pedestrian deaths rose to 19, ten more than occurred in 2014.

The state is committed to road safety. To that effort, the Bureau of Highway Safety has put some helpful programs in place to help reduce the number of traffic accidents and fatalities on the road. The programs address some of the most common safety issues including child passenger safety, distracted and impaired driving, mature drivers, motorcycles, seatbelts, speeding and teen drivers. In addition, initiatives are in place for bicycle and pedestrian safety issues.

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