Maine Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Maine Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

A total of 156 traffic fatalities were reported in Maine in 2015, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This number is down from 2006 but up from 2014. Maine has a slightly higher rate of traffic deaths per 100,000 population than the US average. The rate for Maine is 11.74 in 2015 compared to the national average of 10.92.

Truck fatalities have also increased over previous years in the state. For example, utility trucks are involved in the most truck-related deaths, and they have increased from 14 in 2011 to 18 in 2015. However, this number is down from the 29 reported in 2014 and the 23 recorded in 2013.

Pickup-related deaths have similar numbers with 11 reported in 2011 and 13 in 2015. The highest year was in 2012, which reported 25. Since that year, the trend has been decreasing. Vans were involved in 7 deaths in 2015 as opposed to 5 in 2011. However, the high point came in 2013 when there were 12 deaths reported. Large trucks have been involved in very few deaths over the years with none for 2015 as well as 2013 and 2014. In 2011, three deaths were related to large trucks.

The majority of large truck-related deaths in 2015 occurred in Washington County, which is home to the city of Machias. Coming in second with the one to five fatalities are the counties of Aroostock, Franklin, and Sagadahoc.

The county with the most fatal light truck crashes for 2015 was Somerset. Surrounding counties of Piscataquis and Franklin were in second place along with Aroostock and Oxford as well as Sagadahoc and York counties. York, Somerset, and Aroostock reported between 6 and 15 fatalities for the year while the other counties reported between one and five. A few counties had zero number of light truck fatalities.

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