Maryland Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Maryland Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Maryland reported a total of 513 traffic deaths for the year 2015, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Of that number, 75 were motorcycle fatalities. This number is an increase from the previous two years. In 2013, there were 62 motorcycle-related deaths, and that number went up to 69 for 2015. However, the high point came in 2008 with 91 fatalities.

Compared to the national average, Maine has a lower rate of fatalities per 100,000 population. Their rate is 8.54 versus the US average of 10.92.

Of the 75 deaths related to motorcycles, almost all of the people were wearing helmets. In fact, only six did not have a helmet on at the time of the accident. The reason for this statistic is that Maryland has a state law requiring all riders to wear a helmet regardless of age. Because of the law and the compliance from motorcycle riders, a total of 41 lives have been saved in 2015. There is a 92 percent compliance rate for this law.

The majority of those killed in a motorcycle accident in 2015 have been between the ages of 20 and 29 with 22 deaths reported in that age range. Another 15 who were killed were between 30 and 39, while 11 people were between 40 and 49. Twelve people who died in a motorcycle crash were over the age of 59 while 14 were between 50 and 59. Only one death was a person under the age of 20.

Most counties reported at least one motorcycle fatality in 2015, but they had fewer than six for the year. A few counties were above that range with Montgomery County reporting 8 deaths and Prince George’s County listing 14. Baltimore City and County also reported a higher number of motorcycle- related fatalities with seven for the county and six for the city.

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