Nevada Fatal Bus Accident Statistics
Nevada reported 25 fatal crashes involving large trucks and buses for 2015, which caused 27 fatalities, according to a report from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). These totals are up from 2014 when 15 fatal accidents and 17 deaths were recorded. A total of 26 large vehicles were involved in the accidents.
Four of the crashes involved just one vehicle while the other 29 were multiple-vehicle accidents. According to nationwide statistics, most crashes with a large truck or bus are two-vehicle accidents.
Nevada has a fatality rate per million people below the national average. The state’s rate for 2015 was 8.65 as opposed to the US average of 11.19. This number is up significantly for Nevada from the 2010 rate of 5.55. However, overall totals for bus accidents have gone down compared with the number of buses on the roads. In 1975, there were just over 460,000 buses registered which increased to more than 870,000 in 2014. During that same time frame, the fatality rate per million miles driven dropped from 5.75 to 1.77.
A bus is seen as a vehicle that has the ability to transport more than seven passengers, as well as the driver. Within this category are school buses, van-buses, transit buses and intercity buses.
The majority of counties in Nevada reported at least one large vehicle fatality in 2015 with most of them having fewer than six for the year. One county was the exception with more than five. Clark County reported 13 fatalities for 2015, which was an increase from the nine recorded in 2014. Other counties had lower totals like Eiko County with two and Nye County with three. Both of these counties did report an increase from the previous year. Washoe County had one death while White Pine reported two for the year.